Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jack, Jack, Jack

Recovering a chair is never easy ... there are always pesky
staples to rip out, fabric that won't cooperate and in my case ...

He loves to play with my projects

Here he is hamming it up for the camera, all the while pushing my chair around from the inside. (:

Then even when I'm done and I'm trying to be a picture, he likes to get into the mix. My adorable boy.


amanda said...

so stinking cute! that is adorable that he was walking around inside the chair!!! how funny!

thanks for the pics, sis.

Anonymous said...

He is a busy one. He is so good about entertaining himself. Obviously if he can entertain himself with half a chair, it doesn't take much to entertain him. He's a good boy. Love Sandy

TLC said...

Love the pics Rene, he is really a ham...was Bob that way when he was little?