Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Jack!

In some ways, I think Jack is advanced for his age, but not really when it comes to table manners, there he's "Leo the Late Bloomer". Obviously, he enjoyed his cake and he seemed to enjoy the rest of his party with just as much gusto.
Here he is showing off his new "cooking" skills with a piece of string cheese in his new ladle. Notice the boots, they were a gift and he's crazy about them.
Daddy and Jack finished off the big birthday bash with a "campout" in the living room. I am so proud of my little man and his daddy, who loves to do fun things with Jack.

1 comment:

amanda said...


he looks so big. LOVE the sideways birthday party hat. LOVE the chocolate-frosted-face. LOVE the rainboots (I bet he'll be requesting those often). LOVE LOVE LOVE the camp-out picture!

3 years old. unbelievable!