Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jack turns 4

Jack really wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese for his Birthday. Here he is on a ride. I think he had fun.

Then we stopped by and visite Addison and Delainey and they had a cake for him.

When I asked Jack what he wanted on his birthday cake he said, "Whitey (his teddy bear) because she's my best friend."

 For some reason he got upset when we sang him "Happy Birthday!"

Jack and Chance playing with one of his favorite birthday gifts, a race track.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I can't believe Jack is 4! WOW! I remember when Ari cried when we all sang happy birthday one year too, she was around 2 or 3.

amanda said...

thanks for posting pics... I can't believe he cried when you sang to him... maybe he gets that from me.

It looks like he had a super day, I love the cake with Whitey, his BFF.

Give him a big squeeze from me!

Lindsay said...

Looks like it was a hit. I heard Grams and Gramps came down for the festivities! I love Whitey too! :) I still sleep with my blanket from when I was little- but its in great shape sooo...